Leadership Barriers Still Impact Women in Radiology

Women in Radiology still face barriers to advancement to leadership positions, according to Dr. Nicole B. Dhanraj, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP, GPHR, PMP, CRA, R.T. (R)(MR)(CT)—Systems Director, Northern Arizona Healthcare in Flagstaff, in her presentation “Challenges Women Face in Radiology Leadership Roles” delivered August 3, 2021, at the AHRA conference in Nashville, TN.

Dr. Dhanraj engaged the members of the audience in a conversation about the barriers to radiology leadership for women and what can be done to overcome them.

Barriers and Solutions

In her talk, Dr. Dhanraj focused on why there is a gap in women, especially women of color, in radiology leadership roles as well as strategies radiology departments can use to develop a more inclusive environment and more female leaders. Women face obstacles including few advancement opportunities; lack of mentors, sponsorships, and role models; lack of a culturally diverse organization, and prejudice. Solutions Dr. Dhanraj proposed include advocating publicly for racial equality; sponsoring women of color and establishing mentoring opportunities, even as early as high school; and focusing on experience and competency, not gender.

Dr. Dhanraj’s Call to Action

At the end of her presentation, Dr. Dhanraj called the attendees to action “‘Ask yourself what you are going to do as a radiology group to actually facilitate an inclusive environment,’ she said. ‘It’s time to take action and make the changes that aren’t just for show but are part of actually bringing women into leadership and supporting their success — based on their skills, knowledge, and abilities, not just because they are women,'” according to AuntMinnie.

Women in Radiology Series

PulseISM is a woman-owned company and we’re acutely aware of the challenges women face in rising through the ranks and becoming leaders in radiology departments across the USA. We especially recognize the value of the women who have succeeded in obtaining leadership positions, who serve as role models, and who mentor other women radiologists in their careers. Our Women in Radiology series profiles such leaders, highlighting their accomplishments, passing on their wisdom, and illustrating how they give back to the radiology community. Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook so you’re notified when new Women in Radiology articles are published on our website.


Women in radiology continue to face barriers to leadership.” By Kate Madden Yee AuntMinnie.com  Published: August 4, 2021 Accessed: August 4, 2021

AHRA’s 49th Annual Meeting and Exposition schedule. Accessed August 4, 2021

Our Women in Radiology series profiles female radiology leaders, highlighting their accomplishments, passing on their wisdom, and illustrating how they give back to the radiology community. Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for new article announcements.